Periscopio Venezuela 14 de agosto, martes
Compilador José Hernández*
1. Faltan 54 días para el cambio.
2. Sobre el manejo del mercenario hay que tener cierta distancia sobre las versiones de los medios nacionales. Para ver la versión de la agencia AFP que publica El Universal es oportuno ir a este link: pero es preferible ir a la versión original del Departamento de Estado, en su conferencia diaria con la prensa del lunes 13 de agosto: “MS. NULAND: I don’t have anything on that subject to share here… All right. Can we move on? It was Scott on Venezuela, I think… QUESTION: Can you tell us, has there been any consular access to the American arrested by the Venezuelan Government? They say he’s a mercenary… MS. NULAND: We’ve seen these claims by the Venezuelan Government, but we have not been notified by them formally about the arrest of this alleged U.S. citizen. So given the fact that we haven’t been notified, we haven’t seen him, we don’t know of anybody that would fit this category, our message back to the Venezuelans is that if, in fact, they have detained a U.S. citizen, Venezuela must now comply with its obligations under the Vienna Convention, notify us, and allow access… QUESTION: Have you asked them about this then?... MS. NULAND: I can’t speak to whether our Embassy has been in today, but I would guess that if they haven’t yet, they will be… Anything else? Please.” El tono del texto transcrito es distinto al de las notas en la prensa venezolana. La versión de Diosdado Cabello puede ser aun más estrambótica, tal como se lee y ve en noticias24 El caso del “mercenario” es una olla del gobierno