Ros-Lehtinen Warns of Increased Drug Trafficking, Extremist Links between Latin America and Africa
U.S. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), Ranking Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, commented today on remarks by a Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) official regarding the “unholy alliance” between South American narco-criminal groups and Islamist extremist organizations in western Africa. Statement by Ros-Lehtinen:
“The recent arrest of three west-African al-Qaeda operatives on drug smuggling charges darkens the already ominous picture of Islamist extremist groups in western Africa collaborating with narco-criminals in South America.
“Groups like the FARC are finding new ways to sell drugs to Europeans via al-Qaeda groups in Africa. Al-Qaeda, in turn, is more than willing to use the drug business to help fund its extremist agenda.
“It comes as no surprise that Hugo Chavez would allow Venezuela to serve as a massive airfield for the traffickers to use. In fact, the DEA has said that all aircrafts they have seized in West Africa departed from Venezuela.
“The U.S. must work with responsible governments in Europe, Africa and Latin America to address this multi-faceted threat. Burying our heads in the sand is not an option.”
Background: Jim Bergman, DEA director for the Andean Region of South America, remarked about “an unholy alliance between South American narco-terrorists and Islamist extremists.” According to reports, three West African men with alleged ties to al-Qaeda were extradited to New York in December on drug trafficking and terrorism charges.
Note: Ranking Member Ros-Lehtinen is the author of H.R. 375, the Western Hemisphere Counterterrorism and Nonproliferation Act of 2009. Ros-Lehtinen is also the author of H. Con. Res. 16, recognizing the threat posed by the spread of Islamist extremism in Africa.