viernes, 6 de febrero de 2009

Worldwide Condemnation Pours Down On Venezuela After Synagogue Attack in Caracas

Worldwide Condemnation Pours Down On Venezuela After Synagogue Attack in Caracas

In the wake of the still unsolved attack on a Caracas synagogue, shock and outrage rained down upon Venezuela from around the world, as the government -- and even Chavez himself -- sought to put the blame on the Opposition and even the Jewish community.By Jeremy Morgan & Russ DallenLatin American Herald Tribune staffCARACAS – Reaction from around the world to the attack Friday by a group of 15 armed men who commandeered and vandalized a synagogue in Caracas at gunpoint for 4 hours -- including attacking, overpowering and tieing up the guards -- continued Wednesday with critics squarely pointing the finger at increasingly vitriolic statements by Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez.